Microsoft Office 365
Get virtually anywhere access to the Microsoft Office tools you know and rely on, plus easy to administer business-class IT services.
Features and Benefits
Devices – Outlook works across all devices. With its modern, clean, and fluid user interface, it works great with touch, mouse and keyboard, or pen.
Stay connected – You can quickly schedule a meeting and send email in a few clicks.
Real Time Email – With Microsoft 365, everything happens right now. You receive your email as soon as it arrives at the remote server and when you send an email it goes immediately too.
Outlook – Outlook Web Access is a web browser based version of Outlook with almost all the same features. Now you can access your email, calendar, contacts, etc. any time, from any PC, from anywhere in the world, via a web browser and every user benefits from a 50GB mailbox.
Group Enabled Outlook Features – With Exchange Online, everything in Outlook becomes “group enabled”. Your calendar, task list, Inbox, etc. can all be viewed or modified by other users. Of course, you decide how much, if any, access you want to allow to your information. Shared mailboxes can also be setup and any changes made are mirrored to all connecting users.
Out of Office Assistant – Microsoft 365 provides a simple tool to notify others when you are out of the office. Just tell it you are out of the office, and type a message. Whenever you receive email, the sender automatically receives an email back with your message. If you will be gone for a long time, you can have your email forwarded to another user.
Public Folders – Public Folders are centralised folders that can be accessed by all users. Access to these folders can be restricted (by user or group) to provide whatever level of security is needed. Public Folders can contain any kind of information including Contact info (Name, address, phone, email, etc.), Appointments (Calendars), Tasks, or Email.
Service continuity
With Office 365, you get peace of mind knowing that your data and services are available and regularly backed up:
- Guaranteed 99.9% uptime, financially backed service level agreement (SLA), so you can count on your services being available
- Globally available datacentres for primary and backup storage
- Redundancy and resiliency ensured at all levels
- Functionality and data redundancy
- Disaster recovery capability to recover from hardware and network failures and natural disasters